Treatments include:
For management of moderate or advanced chronic periodontitis, a variety of surgical treatments may be appropriate for management of the disease. Antibiotics and/or antibacterial rinses may also be prescribed. Treatment of residual risk factors should be considered (such as cessation of smoking and control of diabetes).
For the more advanced stages of periodontal disease, assessments will be made for proper treatment planning.
Will it Hurt?
During the procedure you will feel no discomfort. We will use a local anesthetic to numb the area. Following the procedure, the affected area may be tender or sore. Minor swelling may occur. We will prescribe medication after your procedure which may include antibiotics, antibacterial rinses and/or medication to ease soreness.
Will I be able to speak and eat normally?
You should be able to speak normally after the local anesthetic wears off. It is important to eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet after treatment. You may wish to chew on the side of the mouth that did not have surgery for a few days. Many patients find that softer foods are best in the first few days following a periodontal procedure. You should avoid smoking and minimize drinking alcoholic beverages and caffeinated beverages during this time. Following some types of periodontal treatment, the teeth may be more sensitive to hot and cold. This sensitivity will diminish during the first few weeks. Additional appointments may be required to evaluate your healing and review proper oral hygiene procedures.